Tuesday 16 July 2013

A Sad Time

I've been meaning to post for some time and apologise that so long has passed since my post in May. I've been very busy with various projects which I will share in due time.

I'd like to reflect now on a very sad event which occurred just before 9pm last night - I will remember this poignantly as the church clock began to strike 9 as it all came to an end - when one of our beloved cats, whom we rescued 6 years ago this March, died. 

Bilbo was only 13 and had been living with liver failure for some months this year. He had degenerated into a walking skeleton and was always filthy after he lost interest in washing himself at all. More recently he was suffering extreme diarrhoea, as his body could not process any food properly and as such he was constantly begging for food and attacking anything left unattended in the kitchen. It was a sad fall for our beloved boy who had been perfectly plump and healthy at the beginning of the year. 

He had been suffering in the sudden heatwave and grown very weak over 24 hours, unable to walk properly and unmoving from his preferred sleeping spots. Yesterday afternoon he fell into a coma and when he finally came around, it was only to take his last choking breaths, with his family around him. 

We buried him in the garden, as near to our other deceased pets as possible, wrapped in my sister's dressing gown. He had loved to sleep on this and it was his death bed in the end too. Bilbo was devoted to my younger sister and she to him, so the loss is felt greatest to her now she has lost her beloved companion. 

None of us will forget him, this beautiful cat who had such a wonderful friendly personality and who brought us much laughter from his antics. I worry now that his sister will begin to pine for her brother and I hope she can find solace in a new companion, perhaps later in the year or in 2014. 

Goodnight sweet prince, we will love you and miss you always x

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